Tactical Rehabilitation offers a variety of spine, back and neck DME products designed to improve posture, alleviate pain, and provide stability.

Aspen Horizon™ LSO
Designed to provide trunk stability to fatigued muscles which can lead to acute and chronic low back pain. Provides a therapeutic level of compression for patients recovering from surgery or injury. Its low profile design can be comfortably worn underneath clothing.
- Osteoarthritis
- Spondylolysis
- Spinal Stenosis
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Ordering Info for DME Consult:
This is an order for a Horizon L0650-1 LSO as listed from Tactical Rehabilitation (Fed Tax ID 46-2082171)

Aspen Summit LSO
Limits motion and provides effective trunk support with targeted compression with additional lateral support. Utilizing innovative materials and an ergonomic design, it contours comfortably to the vast majority of patient anatomies without compromising support.
- Osteoarthritis
- Spondylolysis
- Spinal Stenosis
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Ordering Info for DME Consult:
This is an order for a Hyperextension Aspen Summit LSO as listed from Tactical Rehabilitation (Fed Tax ID 46-2082171)

Aspen Horizon™ TLSO
Designed to provide motion restriction, creating a dynamic environment for healing within the thoracolumbar and lumbar spine. Comfortable to wear and easy to don and doff. Designed specifically to target patients with challenging indications such as compression fractures, burst fractures and hyper-kyphosis.
- Postural Issues
- Kyphosis
- Compression Fractures
- Low-mid sprains/strains
- Post-Op
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Ordering Info for DME Consult:
This is an order for a Horizon L0457 TLSO as listed from Tactical Rehabilitation (Fed Tax ID 46-2082171)

Designed to address the symptoms associated with poor posture often due to prolonged use of electronic devices/technology. While actively influencing a patient’s posture, the brace provides gentle support while activating postural stabilizing muscles. This product helps train the body to hold neutral posture by concurrently stretching and strengthening the structures that have become tight and deconditioned over time due to poor posture.
- Kyphosis
- Abnormal Posture
- Spinal Alignment
Click Here for Ordering Info
Ordering Info for DME Consult:
This is an order for a Horizon L0457 TLSO as listed from Tactical Rehabilitation (Fed Tax ID 46-2082171)

A unique and patented spinal air traction design that is thin, lightweight and easy to use. Offers a high degree of mobility, alleviating and preventing back pain. It can be discreetly worn under clothing allowing you to perform daily activities enabling an active lifestyle. The patented VAP Technology decreases axial loading while increasing intervertebral disc space by anchoring underneath the rib cage pushing upwards and against the pelvic girdle pushing downwards. This action gently stretches the torso vertically and displaces stress away from the affected disc and nerve. Pressure and pain levels, within the lumbar spine region are significantly reduced which can assist active rehabilitation.
- Herniated/Bulging Discs
- Lumbar Acute/Chronic Sprain
- Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis
- Compression Fracture in the Lumbar Region
- Failed Surgery Syndrome
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Congenital Weakness in Waist
- Spinal Stenosis
Click Here for Ordering Info
Ordering Info for DME Consult:
This is an order for a DDS 500 Ambulatory Lumbar Traction L0648-1 LSO as listed from Tactical Rehabilitation INC (Fed Tax ID 46-208171)

The low-profile, DonJoy® VersaROM® Hip helps deliver effective, functional ROM restriction in 15° increments. Easy-to-use abduction/adduction push buttons and malleable hip and thigh shells help provide an individualized fit for increased patient comfort and compliance. The adjustable compression belt with easy-grip pull tabs anchors the hip joint, and the padded thigh cuff increases optimal alignment. With a universal fit, one brace fits right or left hip up to a 54” waist circumference.
*Provider Note: Referral notes should indicate degrees of ROM desired to be set during the fitting appointment.
Post Op
Hip Instability
Stable Hip Fractures
ROM Control
Muscular Imbalance
Patients at Risk to Dislocate
Click Here for Ordering Info
Ordering Info for DME Consult:
This is an order for a DJO Versarom Hip Brace or Alternative/Comparable Hip Brace L1686-1 as listed from Tactical Rehabilitation (Fed Tax ID 46-2082171)