The Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS Units) offer patients the latest in treatment options and stimulation programs in a user-friendly, ergonomic design and cell phone battery technology.

Tri-Wave TENS
Coming soon to a Tactical Rehabilitation near you! Our new Tri-Wave TENS unit provides new, improved treatment modalities, including TENS, IF, and NMES electrical stimulation for pain relief and treatment. Contact your local office for more information and availability.

InTENSity™ 12
Newest standard in portable electrotherapy offering patients the latest in treatment options and stimulation programs in a user-friendly, ergonomic design and cell phone battery technology. This highly customizable unit has modes to reach most recurring and chronic pains.
- Acute/Chronic Pain
- Edema
- Noninvasive Modality for Pain Management
Click Here for Ordering Info
Ordering Info for TENS Units DME Consult:
This is an order for an Intensity 12 for lifetime use Code E0730-1 (for 99 months), Garment Code E0731-1, Year Supply Electrodes Code A4556-72, Lead Wires Code A4557-2, Conductive Gel Code A4558-6 as listed from Tactical Rehabilitation (Fed Tax ID 46-2082171)

InTENSity™ IF Combo
Multifunction electrotherapy offering patients 2 modalities in one user-friendly, ergonomic design – Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and Interferential Stimulation (IF). The wide-ranging capability of the InTENSity IF Combo provides the most up-to-date treatment technology and waveforms. This powerful device delivers up to 10,000 Hz of IF therapy with sweep frequency capabilities to prevent accommodation while providing maximum treatment benefits.
- Acute/Chronic Pain
- Edema
- Deep Tissue
Click Here for Ordering Info
Ordering Info for TENS Units DME Consult:
This is an order for an Intensity IF Combo for lifetime use Code E0730-1 (for 99 months), Garment Code E0731-1, Year Supply Electrodes Code A4556-72, Lead Wires Code A4557-2, Conductive Gel Code A4558-6 as listed from Tactical Rehabilitation (Fed Tax ID 46-2082171)

InTENSity™ Twin Stim
Newest standard in portable, multifunction electrotherapy offering patients two modalities in one user-friendly, ergonomic design – Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES). Indicated for neuromuscular pain, spasticity, and post-op muscle weakness.
- All pain
- Edema
- Spasticity
- Post Surgical
- Muscle re-education